Gossips News

Trump ‘mentally disturbed’

Following the shootings in Parkland, Southern Florida which left 17 people dead and 15 hospitalized, the president of the United states of America has described the suspect as mentally disturbed.

The suspect, a 19 years old boy Nikolas Cruz was a student of Stoneman Douglas High School until he was expelled for misconducts described as “disciplinary reasons.” According to Trump “So many signs that the Florida shooter was mentally disturbed, even expelled from school for bad and erratic behaviour,”

Nikolas cruz was arrested after the Wednesday shooting where he allegedly opened fire with an AR-15 rifle after setting off a fire alarm in the school, 75 kilometres north of Miami.

An FBI official acknowledged on Thursday the bureau received a tip months before the Florida high school massacre about a social media comment by a Nikolas Cruz, who aspired to be “a professional school shooter.” The comment, made by user Nikolas Cruz, stated: “I’m going to be a professional school shooter.”

Cruz was charged Thursday with 17 counts of premeditated murder. He was booked into Broward County Jail after federal and local investigators questioned him. Cruz allegedly walked into the school with a gas mask, smoke grenades and multiple magazines of ammunition before firing an AR-15 at students and faculty members.

The US president in his tweet however described Florida school gunman as ‘mentally disturbed’.

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