Did Jackie Chan, the 59-year-old action star who does his own stunts, really fall to his death while filming a movie in Austria?
UPDATE: The “Jackie Chan is dead” rumors are alive and well, just like Chan himself, reports the International Business Times. The rumor, once again, is that Chan died while doing one of his own stunts, this time falling off of a 12-story building. Unlike last time, Chan, who must be tired of having to convince the world he’s still alive, has not Tweeted or messaged his fans to inform them that he’s still alive. But like last time, all of the rumors are coming from less than reputable sources.
Previous story:
FALSE: The death hoax strikes again
Jackie Chan, the 59-year-old action star famous for doing his own stunts, reportedly died while filming a movie in Austria. But it’s all a hoax, reports the International Business Times and Snopes.
Snopes says the report of Chan’s death originated at mediafetcher.com, which it describes as a sort of user-generated MadLibs for celebrity death and dismemberment. IB Times says that Chan also wrote a Facebook message to his fans just to reassure them.
“If I died, I would probably tell the world!” the actor wrote. “I took a photo with today’s date, just in case you don’t believe me! However, thank you all for your concern. Kiss kiss and love you all!”
Chan was last reported dead in 2011, when he had supposedly succumbed to heart failure. Just another reminder that when the Internet says your favorite celebrity has passed away, you have a responsibility to stay skeptical.
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